Finally, a Curly Girl on The Bachelor

Jan 13, 2014 11:31:51 AM


I’m not proud of it, but I may be the only person alive to have watched at least some part of every season of the Bachelor. It lost credibility a long time ago since most relationships don’t even make it to Finale. But for some reason, it appeals to some part of me. But my big complaint has always been that the woman seem to come from some cookie cutter. Even if they might have curly hair, on the show they have straight hair.

Until last night. Among all the Barbie blondes and sultry silky brunettes was Danielle – a curly girl. And we’re talking real, wild curls – not curls that have been reformed into loose waves. These are glorious 3b/3c curls.  She’s a beautiful girl, and in my opinion, they helped her stand out.

Juan Pablo must agree because she got a rose! We’re cheering you on Danielle!


Topics: Curly Hair

Michelle Breyer

Written by Michelle Breyer

Michelle Breyer (michelle@texturem­ is the co-founder of content and ecommerce platform Naturall­ and TextureMedia. By engaging beauty enthusiasts through original content, branded entertai­nment, social media, product reviews and commerce, TextureMedia influences up to $5 billion in hair care sales each year. Its monthly social, consumer reach is 26 million across a portfolio of digital brands, including its Market Research & Insights division, CurlyNikki and Naturall­yCurly.