A World of Possibilities

Dec 17, 2013 2:54:09 PM


It’s amazing that after all these years, I still get so excited by a box of hair products. It’s Editor’s Choice season here at NaturallyCurly, so several boxes a day are coming in every day with products for us to try – boxes of cleansers, conditioners, oils, styling creams, styling gels, styling puddings, hair sprays, dryers, wands, etc.

I can remember the first time I called up a company to ask for hair products. We were a few months old and nobody had heard of us. So it was leap of faith to speak to the public relations person  about why we wanted samples of products to populate our product database. I felt like a kid in a candy store when a box arrived on my front porch. For someone who had always spent way too much money at the beauty supply store,  it was like hitting the jackpot. Soon every cabinet was filled with products.

It has been fun to watch all of our young editors peruse the shelves filled with all of the brands for Editors' Chocie. They are as excited as I am, and I think that’s necessary when you work in the curly hair world. It’s something you can’t really explain to people who don’t have curls, coils and waves –  people who haven’t spent their lives in search of the Holy Grail product that’s going to transform their hair. They see rows of bottles and tubes as clutter. We see a world of possibilities.

Michelle Breyer

Written by Michelle Breyer

Michelle Breyer (michelle@texturem­ediainc.com) is the co-founder of content and ecommerce platform Naturall­yCurly.com and TextureMedia. By engaging beauty enthusiasts through original content, branded entertai­nment, social media, product reviews and commerce, TextureMedia influences up to $5 billion in hair care sales each year. Its monthly social, consumer reach is 26 million across a portfolio of digital brands, including its Market Research & Insights division, CurlyNikki and Naturall­yCurly.