NaturallyCurly Editor’s Choice 2017 Award Winners Announced

May 22, 2017 11:48:56 AM

The deliberations are over. The votes are in. The winners are here! 

After several months of product testing, clarifying hair strands and scalps, feeling overwhelmed by efficacy (and sometimes underwhelmed for lack thereof), the NaturallyCurly Editorial team has chosen hair care brands, collections, and products that best address their individual curly and textured hair concerns. From length check-worthy elongating gels to 2-in-1 skin and hair butters, the team has selected products that are deemed most effective, innovative, and significant across the market.

Process of Elimination: How Winners are Chosen

The NaturallyCurly Editors test and make frequent recommendations to each other about products on a regular basis; even those that are not specific to hair textures and curl patterns.

For the NaturallyCurly Editor’s Choice Awards selection process, the following criteria is considered when making selections:

  • Product efficacy: Does the product work for a specific hair type?
  • Miracle claims: Does the product packaging deliver false hope or stay true to its claims?
  • Added bonus: Does the product exceed hair goal expectations by providing unlisted benefits?
  • Innovation: Does the product contain innovative ingredients? Is the product new to the curly community?
  • Industry expertise: Are ingredients suggested for use by hair care experts?

This thorough process aides consumers through the award winning product-buying process, providing a detailed list of items she can try or buy. In addition to this list, consumers trust that the items kept in the NaturallyCurly Editors' maintenance and styling collections are the best in the industry.

Winners Annouced: See which brands, lines, and products earned the 2017 NaturallyCurly Editor’s Choice Awards!

Gerilyn Hayes

Written by Gerilyn Hayes

Gerilyn Hayes is the Senior Copywriter for NaturallyCurly. She focuses on textured hair care product innovations and efficacy. When she's not writing copy, Hayes volunteers for Meals On Wheels of Central Texas, writes and records music, and publishes texture-positive content on her social networking platforms.